Gib einem Crossfit-Athleten einen Compex SP6.0 und wir schauen einmal was passiert. Crossfit gilt aktuell als am schnellsten wachsende Sportart der Welt. Kein Wunder, dass die Athleten sich Möglichkeiten suchen um ihr Training möglichst effektiv zu gestalten und auch in Sachen Regeneration dankbar für funktionierende Lösungen sind…

Joe Taylor (UK) ging offen an die Sache heran und probierte aus, was man mit einem EMS-Gerät wie dem Compex SP6.0 erreichen kann. Magie oder Mythos war der Aufhänger – nach den ersten Einheiten hat er sich für Magie entschieden und ist seitdem begeistert. Das Geld für Massagen und Physiotherapie spart er sich nun. Wundert uns nicht.

Das Ergebnis seiner kleinen Studie am Compex SP 6.0

For me, the Compex SP 6.0 is great if you manage to position the electrodes on the right area which you are addressing. From following the instructions on the device and online, I would often get this wrong. I would place the electrode where instructions stated, but everyone’s muscles and bodies are different and so found it hard to get it right the first time. Sometimes I wouldn’t feel the benefits, and sometimes the recommended setting was way too high causing pain. After a few times using the Compex SP 6.0, I worked out where to align the electrodes on problem areas for the bet results.

One of the biggest problems I have faced is trying to use the Compex on my back and hard to see areas. This 100% requires help, as I discovered the hard way. I tried to align the electrodes myself and ended up with 20+ minutes of no recovery what so ever due to misplacement. Ensure that someone helps you position the Compex device to avoid wasting time and potentially injury.

Now I am using the Compex more often I am reaping the rewards of decreasing recovery time and improving my performances. At the start, I was questioning the device, but now I understand it’s capabilities and how to use it properly. I recommend it to any serious athlete wanting to be able to push their bodies harder and achieve better results.

I train for 2-3 hours per day 5 days a week on a CrossFit programme and am finding it beneficial. In the long run I know it’s going to save me money not paying for sports massage and physiotherapy, so take the plunge.

To me, it’s magical, not mythical.


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